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Plugging In As An Independent Consultant Smart Start Training Part 1

Prolog – General Information
We are launching a home study course for people who want to learn more about Direct Marketing fundamentals. This is an entry level training that you can start for free. You will be introduced to self- branding, creating a web presence, plugging and staying connected with the opportunity of your choice if you are not connected with one, blowing the dust off an opportunity you did not seem to get off the ground because you did not receive the right training, along with getting to know some of the leading consultants of Ambit Energy to consider Ambit for yourself as an opportunity.
Did I say this course is for free?
Other than some things you may choose to purchase along the line of training material, enhancements or upgrades. Upgrades are optional and all the information you need to get started will be included.  Included will be information you can come back to in this blog and use as a resource to help your business grow by sharing the information with others you are looking to bring into your business.   I will show you how to do this while you build your own online presence with your own brand name. Oh yeah! You will learn Network Marketing the traditional way but, present it to your potential consultants and customers in a way that is non-threatening to them increasing your closing ratios.
Lastly, this training is open to anyone that wants to get ahead in their opportunity all I ask is for me or one of my fellow consultants, who sent you to this blog Smart Start Training, to give us consideration in helping you become An Ambit Energy Independent Consultant. 
Remember this business is not for everyone but, most people can be successful in this business if given the proper training and a Smart Start.
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To Find Out More About The Ambit Energy Opportunity Enjoy These Videos:

More Video and Consultant Signup With Energy 526 Click Here!

Enjoy these inspiring and humorous videos from the CEO of

Enjoy other videos about Ambit Energy, Directs Sales, and some more inspiringly humorous video from Dr. Bob Parsons Vlog (CEO scroll down to the bottom of this blog page.

Not familiar with blogs? To learn more Click Here!

Getting Started 
The First Rule You Need To Understand As An Ambit Energy Consultant
Ambit Energy is in the energy business they are not in the advertising business.
This is true with any Network Marketing business. As an Independent Ambit Energy Consultant we are in the people / advertising business with what is our compensation plan as the way Ambit Energy pays us for bringing in consultants and customers. How you market yourself has all to do with your success or failure not Network Marketing. If you present yourself as the stereotypical network marketer you are going to get a poor result. This is why the Ranking Consultants are the ones you need to rely on to help you build your business. If you listen to the network marketing nay sayers and the network marketing bigots you are not going to get anywhere.
Learn and Follow the Basics
Do not detach yourself from any opportunity you are involved in. When you detach yourself for any automated lead generating system you are setting yourself up for failure. The company you are working with has procedures for you to help your prospective consultants get started. By keeping your consultants excited is the way you build a strong down-line. A Strong down-line is what helps you build and maintain a good income. This means you have to set a good example for the consultants you have brought into your team. The only way to do that is to follow the procedures for inviting prospective consultants and closing, your team leader follows.
If you use any opportunity with the word scam on a Search Engine you are probably going to get some affiliate marketer that is trying to sell you a product to help you. Just remember true successful network marketers are the ones that have good lead generating systems not someone who is a failed network marketer. Good Network Marketers use a list but they also have another way of generating leads, they would have to. Many good Network Marketers brought their potential candidates from other  successful network marketing programs they were involved in. Some of these guys and gals you do not have to look to far from your back yard to find. Stay on the prowl for them they can make your business grow. Even if you have a lead generating system still keep a list. You will find many good examples of this in this training. They are some of the founding consultants with Ambit Energy. These individuals understand some of the challenges you are going through and if you are coachable they will help you through those challenges. It is all your team leaders that want you to succeed and not fail. Your success and your teams success is everyone that is involved success. All you have to do is be prepared to work and work smart.  
Another thing you need to understand is what works for one consultant does not mean it is going to work for another and the only way to develop a system that works for you is to be exposed to the leaders who are the consultants who have gotten somewhere. This does not mean you need to be just like them it means you take the hints and the tidbits and develop a marketing plan for you that works. If your plan doesn’t work you can always seek advice and make changes where necessary. Just remember the Ideas have to come from somewhere and no better than someone that is more experienced that has it in their interest to help you. That is the strongest rule to follow in Network Marketing. If a prospective consultant does not follow through the leader that sponsored that new consultant does not get paid. This is something you have to consider when becoming a network marketer. Leadership skills are a real plus, and can be developed in you by your team leaders.
This business is not for everyone. To become successful you have to have some persistence or some natural talent. I believe with most everyone the persistence is the key to success in this business even though there are a few that have natural talent. Just keep in the back of your mind when first staring out. They too had to start somewhere and they too had a mentor or otherwise they just won the consultant lottery. How many people do you know that hit the lottery big?
In the coming entries and weeks we are going to introduce you to some other Ranking Consultants through their blogs and websites to help you start training. This is because you need to see if being an Ambit Energy Consultant is for you. These are fellow consultants that have a distinct way of marketing other than your typical way of network marketing. As your sponsor and your coach I can only feel I can help you succeed if you feel comfortable with a good marketing and lead generation plan. That plan will include a list of people you know and begin your training with while the rest of your business and lead generation plan is developed.
 Train and retrain constantly working with the fundamentals!
When I was entering seventh grade I had decided I wanted to play football. This wouldn’t be so bad except I was this puny kid at the time that wanted to play center. Anyone who knows the game of football knows that is not exactly the position for a puny kid. I had progressed along and learned my snaps and I asked the coach if I could play in a game. The coach kept on blowing me off for some of the more experienced kids of course. Finally the day came and the coach had a comfortable lead and he put me in the game. I got my butt whooped out there for a few plays. The coach said that he knew that was going to happen but he wanted to give me a chance anyway. He explained that it was not that he didn’t believe in me that is why he finally put me in the game. It was I just had not gained all the skills and knowledge I needed to play. It had finally came to the next year, I had shown up to practice a little heavier, a little taller and a little wiser he switched me to offensive tackle and I got to play more that year.
What Does This Have To Do With Being An Independent Consultant With Ambit Energy?
The reason so many people fail in Network Marketing is they fail to take the fundamentals with them to their list or lead generation process. As you will learn in the upcoming blog pages that if you do not understand the fundamentals the leads you use whether they are a list or a lead generation system you will find yourself alienating yourself from in this case Ambit Energy. There is no automatic way of working this marketing system. You can automate your lead process to help you to prequalify your prospective customers and consultants but, you still have to speak and direct them so they are properly welcomed or trained into the system. You have to remember you are the one who is sponsoring these prospective consultants and their success is your success. With Ambit Energy you do not get paid until your prospective consultant gets paid. You also have to remember that they like you have their own ideas and you want to bring them into a system they are comfortable with. If they fail and you did not coach them properly it is on you. On the other hand if you work with them and they do not follow through and are not coachable that is on them and you move on to someone who is willing to follow the basics. There is no automated system that can do this for you and I do not care what line some other marketer gives you and how much it costs you are just wasting your money and setting yourself up for failure.

Let’s Start By Taking The First Step
Attend an Ambit Energy Local Meeting If Possible. If you are a Pennsylvania Resident Click on Upcoming Meetings and Webinars Schedule find a local meeting. If you cannot find a local meeting attend a Webinar. Webinars are not as informative as attending meetings but you are in contact with someone with a pulse and they usually have a question and answer period after the webinar. If you are in New York, Maryland, Illinois, or Texas send me an e-mail @ or call me @ (484) 868-2588. I will call  e-mail you back a local meeting if there is one in your area, otherwise I will recommend a Webinar. If you are in any other state webinars are your answer look in Upcoming Meetings and Webinars and sign up there. Ambit Energy has successful consultants that live outside the states they are doing business in. You will meet a consultant through his blog so do not get dicouraged you do not live in a state Ambit does not do business in.
If you do not understand blogs it will be helpful to you to click on Understanding Interactive Blogs and get to know blogs. This can be helpful to you in your lead generation process. We will go over blogs and websites in the future.
By taking the time to see if this opportunity is for you is the difference between success and failure. Becoming three dimensional rather than the stereotypical network marketer is the difference between frustration and confidence. You cannot look to just one source for training, information, and resources to be successful. You have to constantly train to be resourceful and innovative. You have to be confident to be a leader. Being a leader is being successful. Without discipline and a work ethic none of the above will help you achieve financial freedom and personal goals.
They say in network marketing anyone can do it. Yes any one can do it with the right training and mindset. Over thirteen million people in the United States alone are working in network marketing. The only question you need to answer for yourself is this for me and am I committed?

Meeting and Webinar Schedule Click Here!
Understanding Interactive Blogs Click Here!
The Importance of Speaking to Customers and Consutants Directly Click Here!

Sign Up on our e-mail list and get exra hints and tidbits Click Here!

Go To Smart Start Training Part 2 Click Here!
Go To Smart Start Training Part 3 Click Here!
There are more Videos to view below this page in the video section. Please Enjoy.

If you have any questions about anything please call me @ (484) 868-2588 or e-mail me @