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Friday, June 3, 2011

Time Management Is Essential To Operating Your Ambit Energy Business

“When I grow up I want to be like my wife!!!”

Multitasking is not one of my strongest assets. With the Easter Holiday so late in the year, a location change for our weekly Ambit Energy Meetings, and Memorial Day I have hardly had a chance to keep up with this blog. During the winter months I have a little more time on my hands because a lot of my regular work is seasonal. My Ambit Energy business is not at the point where I can leave my job and work on my business fulltime. This is the plus side of starting an Ambit Energy Business is the power of starting part-time. The tough side is always finding enough time to work on my business. Here is where I need those lessons from my wife.
The first thing I need to do is get better about using my calendar. What I need to do first is duplicate the needs and events off the family calendar my wife posts for us. I am good about using my calendar but for some reason or another I step away from keeping up with it when time seems more manageable. When the time seems manageable is when I should plan more and strive to get ahead. Seems easier said than done.

I know I need to spend more time setting and managing my weekly goals. We all know we all have to start with the ultimate Goal or Why with anything we want to achieve. As we define the larger goals we need to break them down into smaller tasks. This means if I am not going to lose track of my ultimate goal I need to break it down into monthly, weekly, and then daily tasks so the ultimate goal does not seem so overwhelming. Here is where the business plan or the game plan comes in. You have the master list of those goals you want to achieve. Keep that separate from your monthly tasks. After you have made your monthly list of tasks you bring it out to your weekly list of tasks. Where you make your weekly list of tasks. Those tasks should be categorized by their importance and then scheduled in your calendar.

One thing you have to remember that you need to keep your master list of goals visible to you at all times, to keep you excited and ambitious about achieving those goals. During the week you want rely on your calendar to keep you directed. Once a week you want to pull out your weekly and monthly goal list and mark off what you have accomplished and repost on your list and calendar what is important to you. If you find a step or a task was not that important to you anymore as you originally thought, forget about it and if it comes up later then accomplish it.

Take time monthly to develop your monthly list. Put a date and a time on your calendar to add your monthly tasks to that list. Make this a day each month without exception. When you do that schedule your time weekly to work on your weekly list. The key to it all of your lists are keeping a small notebook handy for your tasks and your thoughts. I need to get better with listing the tasks. I always seem to put down my thoughts when possible. The reason I said this is. No matter how strong or weak my time management can be at times taking notes and getting things off your mind is essential to helping you relieve the pressure of not having enough time. With the demands of our daily lives if we take the time to write something down there is less of a chance you will forget something important, help your productive time go further in life, and keep the anxiety level down.

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