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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Consulting With The Competition

During the Fourth of July holiday I had the honor of talking over issues with marketing for an energy company with a family member who is a Consultant for Ignite Energy. This family member is a cousin of my brother-in-law but still a family member to me at the least. This truly was a very respectful and educational meeting.

The conversation started on how we personally were doing with our businesses. Getting most of that out of the way we had talked about some of the issues on attracting customers and consultants to our businesses. One of the biggest issues we had discussed is how little faith inquiring customers and consultants have in the Energy Deregulation in Pennsylvania. I had said to her that my feeling is that people have not taken the time to educate themselves on energy deregulation and just do not understand it. I also told her that I have a customer only and a consultant only page in my blog just briefly educating my readers on Ambit Energy for consultants and Energy Deregulation and its benefits for customers. It seems that most of the people that knew about energy deregulation and acted on the savings already switched totaling one third of the households of Pennsylvania. As for the rest of the Pennsylvania Residents, they are going to be slow to switch because of rumors and the fears of if their energy provider drops them for some reason the energy will be shut off to their homes. People do not realize that their incumbent provider has to provide energy to them on a default rate which you and I already know. They must figure if they are already paying the default rate and to be safe they may as well keep on paying the default rate because they would rather do that than find out the true facts by going to or call the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission to get their questions answered, or confirm what we as consultants tell them in answering their questions. I guess they would rather pay two, three, four hundred or more dollars per year depending on their consumption than fill out a simple form with one of us. Most of them do not know it costs nothing to switch to one of our providers and if they do not like us, it cost them nothing to go with another provider of switch back to their incumbent provider. The only time it costs to switch with Ambit is if they would choose Ambit’s term rate plan which secures their kilowatt-hour rate for the period of one year. The variable rate plan with both our companies they are free to switch any time they want with no charge to them. But then that is what energy deregulation is all about. It is a shame to think that some people would rather see energy deregulation fail than actually benefit from the savings and the freedom to choose your energy provider. But that is the way some people are so you just move on to someone who cares about their financial future or the savings.

At this point we had really discovered that our marketing has to be about educating our customers and consultants rather than just old fashioned Network Marketing. She had never looked at it in that light before. She had told me that because she had a salon with many loyal customers that many of her customers would follow her as a customer or a consultant with Ignite. I said that that is what I had thought when I had started with Ambit Energy. It was a no brainer for my friends and family to go with Ambit for the savings, travel benefits or the opportunity. It really has not turned out the way I thought. I also said to her I was in this business for the long haul and I am going to be around for people who are inquiring about this business instead of hunting down and trying to sponsor those who I have called and remain reluctant to sign with me. I already have the word out to them and if they come around that is great, if they do not I am not going to lose any sleep over it anymore. It’s a matter of letting people get to know us and respect us then they will sign with us. The people in my life that have the most respect for me have already signed with me. The others that are interested who are sincere seem to keep on asking me, and all the others avoid me. She said to me at that point that this was a very productive conversation; she thanked me and said she wanted to catch up with me again and talk with me but, it was time to get back to the family.

The last thing I said to her was a question and then a statement.

Did you ever notice that the top earners in your company have a lot of friends and people around them who want to be like them?

As long as we keep at it and have more answers than questions for customers, and more questions for inquiring consultants with the right answers that will be us someday as a top money earner! It is just a shame you are on the other side of the fence.

She gave me a hug and we went on with the celebration.

What I did not tell her was my sister-in-law and brother-in-law signed with me as their Ambit Energy Consultant! I know she knows.

 Find out more about becoming an Ambit Energy Consultant or customer by calling me @ (484) 868-2588 or e-mail me with the best time to reach you @

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