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Friday, August 5, 2011

Think Part Time When Starting Your Ambit Energy Business

I came up with this entry after reading the statistics for this blog the other day. The key words that were entered into the search from someone looking into Ambit Energy were, “how much can I make with Ambit Energy”? The answer to that question could be infinitive. The real truth is there is a finite number which is for the moment less than the leading money earner National Consultant Brian McClure.

The one thing most people do not understand about making money with a company like Ambit Energy is the leading consultants are paid by the network they bring into they’re Ambit Energy business with them. Brian himself had to start somewhere. He has gone from business to business building a network for years. Brian most likely started out part time and was persistent enough to build a large network. Brian is well respected, well liked, and the top trainer with Ambit Energy.

Could you be like Brian McClure?

The answer is yes. But what people forget about Network Marketing is all they see is the results of people who have worked hard for years and they think this business going to be instant success for them. Most of the top money earners with Ambit Energy were involved in Network Marketing before they started with Ambit Energy. Or, at the least have been involved in some kind of sales oriented organization with many people to refer to. You have to have a list to get started it is that plain and simple. This means they brought at the least some of their top networkers or other sales leaders with them. This is where you have to think like a developer instead of a millionaire when you start with a company like Ambit Energy. You have to look more at developing a team more than thinking of your earnings to start or you will be like many others who have tried with little or no success. If you look at the video Energy 526 you will see what the income potential is. But basically what I was saying in last week’s post is I can bring you into the business but if you are not willing to work how are we both going to benefit? This really is not the get rich quick scheme that is associated with Network Marketing Companies in the past. There is a real viable company here with a true history for five years which is financially secure according to Inc. Magazine in 2010. I am not going to chase down people who don’t want to work and just get rich or someone that did not want to be a consultant to begin with. It just does not work that way with me. I have seen too many people who get out of the gate and quit because they do not see or understand the work involved. This has to be a consultant’s biggest frustration. In fact I know it is the biggest frustrations to a consultant, especially when you are getting started. You can’t be swayed by negative people and you have to have a direct route to where you want to be with your goals. To be a Brian McClure you have to build a team and it takes time, patience and persistence.

The last thing I want to comment on is you need to do what is comfortable for you. Some consultants / Coaches think you have to be a top earner to be successful. My belief as a coach and a consultant this is not true. This adds too much pressure to those who are just starting out. Your and only your ambitions should take you as far as you want to go. I believe you can have a competive nature and set up boundaries so you do not feel disappointed that others are more productive than you. I believe I am an example of that. You are not going into business to feel like you have a boss however you have to put consistent effort in you Ambit Energy business to be successful. Let me remind you it is your business and it is up to you what your goals are. If all you do is want to make an extra income just by working part-time that is all what is all about. This takes the stress out of being a good consultant. You can be an excellent consultant and still only work part-time. Even if you stay at it part-time there is a potential for a real good part-time income. This is what many consultants / coaches forget about when marketing their business and that is why so many people get turned off with Network Marketers. Everybody thinks that you have to be a millionaire to be a to be successful as a consultant with Ambit Energy. What I have to say is do what you want to be comfortable and what is right to you. And I will say it again, “after all it is going to be your business”!

In the Smart Start Training Part 2 I introduce you to the team of people I look to for my training. I do this because when it comes to training these people are a real cornerstone of what to expect and do as an Ambit Energy Consultant. They are direct marketers and are good at drafting people off the street. Therefore I am not going to reinvent the wheel with that potion of the training. In Part three and four of the Smart Start Training I give you ideas to start building your presence on the internet as an alternative to drafting people off the street or the stereotypical Network Marketer. I and many other consultants do both. My reason is I only have limited exposure due to my disability which is being legally blind. I rely on advertising for most of my leads. However, that does not mean if I like what I see in someone I meet I do give them my business card and tell them a little of what I do and invite them to view Energy 526. That’s it.

Can you do this? The answer is yes.

Can you make money at this? The answer is yes you can.

Can you be successful at this? The answer is you do not have to be the leading money earner to be successful. Your success depends on what you need for you and your family and only has to be determined by your expectations and how hard you want to work. You need to put the WORK into your Network Marketing to reach your potential with Ambit Energy!

Are you persistent enough and do you want to do this? Only you can answer that question.   

Please view this video by the Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki.

To View Energy 526 Click Here!
Look into the Smart Start Training Part 2 by Clicking Here!

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